A basic introduction to Raster Zonal Stats

Basic Usage

Generate zonal stats for a GeoDataframe containing areas of interest using raster data


  • aoi - (area of interest) a geodataframe which we are interested in generating zonal statistics for
  • raster data - the source raster containing the features which we are interested in collecting zonal stats for our aoi.
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geowrangler.raster_zonal_stats as rzs

Load AOI

Our areas of interest (AOI) are three (3) Level 1 administration regions (ADM1) of the Philippines located in the island of Luzon.

# area multipolygons for regions 3,4,ncr of the philippines
aoi = gpd.read_file("../data/region34ncr_admin.geojson")
CPU times: user 2.87 s, sys: 91.7 ms, total: 2.96 s
Wall time: 2.95 s
ax = aoi.plot(
Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ...
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ...
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ...

Download Philippine Population Data

see the Humanitarian Data Exchange World Population Counts - Philippines

We download our raster Data as GeoTiff files from the Humanitarian Data Exchange site.

phil_pop_link = "https://data.worldpop.org/GIS/Population/Global_2000_2020/2020/PHL/phl_ppp_2020.tif"
phil_pop_dset = "phl_pop_2020.tif"
# no_test

![ ! -e ../data/{phil_pop_dset} ] && curl -o ../data/{phil_pop_dset} {phil_pop_link}
CPU times: user 4.37 ms, sys: 10.8 ms, total: 15.2 ms
Wall time: 217 ms

To create our raster zonal stats, we just need to set the aggregations, as well as some extra arguments, such as the nodata value in the raster.

results = rzs.create_raster_zonal_stats(
        func=["sum", "count"],
        output=["population_count", "samples"],
    extra_args=dict(nodata=-99999),  # nodata value is -99999
CPU times: user 4.18 s, sys: 147 ms, total: 4.32 s
Wall time: 4.33 s
Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry samples population_count
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ... 70786 13165866.0
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ... 2558377 11493727.0
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ... 1876244 15952383.0

Using Grid Tile AOIs

We can also use tile grids as our AOIs.

grid_aoi_file = "../data/region3_admin_grids.geojson"
grid_aoi_results = rzs.create_raster_zonal_stats(
        func=["sum", "count"],
        output=["population_count", "samples"],
        fillna=[True, True],
    extra_args=dict(nodata=-99999),  # nodata value is -99999
CPU times: user 8.1 s, sys: 208 ms, total: 8.31 s
Wall time: 8.31 s
x y geometry samples population_count
0 0 30 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.70870, 119.83075 15.708... 171 1171.764038
1 0 31 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.75193, 119.83075 15.751... 329 278.567200
2 0 32 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.79516, 119.83075 15.795... 345 279.140198
3 1 30 POLYGON ((119.83075 15.70870, 119.87566 15.708... 158 808.681152
4 1 32 POLYGON ((119.83075 15.79516, 119.87566 15.795... 20 0.000000
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"
ax = grid_aoi_results.plot(
    ax=ax, column="population_count", edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.5

Using Bing Tile Grid Tile AOIs

We can also use pre-existing Bing tile grids as our AOIs.

bingtile_grid_aoi_file = "../data/region3_bingtile_grid13.geojson"
bingtile_grid_aoi_results = rzs.create_raster_zonal_stats(
        func=["sum", "count"],
        output=["population_count", "samples"],
        fillna=[True, True],
    extra_args=dict(nodata=-99999),  # nodata value is -99999
CPU times: user 8.53 s, sys: 260 ms, total: 8.79 s
Wall time: 8.79 s
quadkey geometry samples population_count
0 1323030303301 POLYGON ((120.10254 14.73239, 120.10254 14.774... 737 196.756744
1 1323030303300 POLYGON ((120.05859 14.73239, 120.05859 14.774... 50 35.732861
2 1323030303311 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.73239, 120.19043 14.774... 248 383.338013
3 1323030303133 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.77488, 120.19043 14.817... 901 5621.879395
4 1323030303131 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.81737, 120.19043 14.859... 1328 6584.988770
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"
ax = bingtile_grid_aoi_results.plot(
    ax=ax, column="population_count", edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.5