A basic introduction to Vector Zonal Stats

Basic Usage

Generate zonal stats for a GeoDataframe containing areas of interest


  • aoi - (area of interest) a geodataframe which we are interested in generating zonal statistics for
  • data - the source geodataframe containing the features which are interested in collecting zonal stats for our aoi.

Use case 1 - Count POIs (Points of Interest)

Example 1: Count POIs for Regions

  • Input:
    • aoi - region3,4,ncr regions (Admin Level 1) (Central Luzon) geometry (geom_type - polygon, multipolygon
    • data - Philippine pois (geom_type - points)
    • overlap_method = 'intersects'
    • aggregations:
      • count - number of pois within aoi
  • Output
    • aoi with pois count (default output column: index_count)
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geowrangler.vector_zonal_stats as vzs
# area multipolygons for regions 3,4,ncr of the philippines
aoi = gpd.read_file("../data/region34ncr_admin.geojson")
CPU times: user 3 s, sys: 219 ms, total: 3.22 s
Wall time: 3.21 s
ax = aoi.plot(
Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ...
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ...
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ...
# raw pois from osm data (subset of region3,4, ncr only)
raw_data = gpd.read_file("../data/region34ncr_osm_pois.geojson")
CPU times: user 94.6 ms, sys: 4.12 ms, total: 98.7 ms
Wall time: 96.1 ms
array(['osm_id', 'code', 'fclass', 'name', 'BARANGAY_CODE', 'geometry'],
osm_id code fclass name BARANGAY_CODE geometry
0 311568428 2701 tourist_info Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Visitor ... 137602022 POINT (121.04852 14.54398)
1 672565496 2701 tourist_info ecopark paging and first aid station 137404141 POINT (121.07479 14.71173)
2 672565498 2701 tourist_info Ecopark ticket counter 137404141 POINT (121.07326 14.71291)
3 1585389544 2701 tourist_info Area Formerly Occupied by Fort Bonifacio Museum 137602021 POINT (121.05837 14.55071)
4 1834855424 2701 tourist_info Lotto Booth 137601020 POINT (120.99216 14.42312)
ax = aoi.plot(
ax = raw_data.plot(ax=ax)

Compute POIs count per region

aoi = vzs.create_zonal_stats(
    aggregations=[{"func": "count"}],
CPU times: user 274 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 274 ms
Wall time: 272 ms

New aoi with pois count in the column index_count. (The column name can be overridden as shown in the next example)

# no_test
CPU times: user 2 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 2 µs
Wall time: 4.29 µs
Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry index_count
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ... 880
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ... 701
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ... 1253

Example 2: Count attractions for Regions

  • Input:
    • aoi - region3,4,ncr regions (Admin Level 1) (Central Luzon, NCR, Calabarzon) geometry (geom_type - polygon, multipolygon)
    • data - attractions: filtered Philippine pois (Central Luzon, NCR, Calabarzon only) (geom_type - points) with fclass == 'attraction'
    • overlap_method = 'intersects'
    • aggregations:
      • count
        • number of pois within aoi
        • output column name attractions
  • Output
    • aoi with attractions count

Filter the raw data

attractions = raw_data[raw_data.fclass == "attraction"]
osm_id code fclass name BARANGAY_CODE geometry
49 159473554 2721 attraction Chinatown Arch 133902005 POINT (120.97671 14.59672)
50 622413978 2721 attraction Peace Bell 137404020 POINT (121.04934 14.65026)
51 625180701 2721 attraction The Glass Garden 137403027 POINT (121.08194 14.61932)
52 681222977 2721 attraction La Madre Filipina 133908008 POINT (120.97773 14.58172)
53 820634039 2721 attraction Independence Flag Pole 133908008 POINT (120.97659 14.58155)

Create zonal stats for filtered data. Add output key to specify output column name for count

aoi_attr = vzs.create_zonal_stats(
    aoi, attractions, aggregations=[{"func": "count", "output": "attractions"}]
CPU times: user 290 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 290 ms
Wall time: 288 ms
Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry attractions
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ... 136
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ... 205
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ... 312

Example 3: Grid Tiles over POIs

  • Input:
    • aoi - gridded tiles for Region 3 (Central Luzon) at 15km x 15km size
    • data - region 3 data filtered from philippine pois (geom_type - points)
    • overlap_method = 'intersects'
    • aggregations:
      • count
        • number of pois within aoi
        • output column name:: pois_count
  • Output
    • aoi with pois count
# load gridded tiles
grid_aoi = gpd.read_file("../data/region3_admin_grids.geojson")
CPU times: user 96.3 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 96.3 ms
Wall time: 87.4 ms
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="#C62828"
ax = grid_aoi.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue")
region3_pois = gpd.read_file("../data/region3_osm_pois.geojson")
CPU times: user 50.4 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 50.4 ms
Wall time: 48 ms
osm_id code fclass name BARANGAY_CODE geometry
0 560410986 2701 tourist_info Gawad Kalinga Office 031420009 POINT (121.08516 14.83601)
1 1244301672 2701 tourist_info N 15deg 26' 11.1", E 120deg 25' 50.2", El... 036918006 POINT (120.43045 15.43663)
2 1666684393 2701 tourist_info Eco Park Tourist Information & DENR Environmen... 036918006 POINT (120.44958 15.46446)
3 1679992929 2701 tourist_info La Paz Tarlac - Zaragoza Nueva Ecija Boundary 034932027 POINT (120.75832 15.44284)
4 1714645729 2701 tourist_info Lucy Pineda 035409019 POINT (120.61452 15.23359)
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="#C62828"
ax = region3_pois.plot(ax=ax)

Compute pois count per grid

grid_aoi = vzs.create_zonal_stats(
    aggregations=[{"func": "count", "output": "pois_count"}],
CPU times: user 33.9 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 33.9 ms
Wall time: 31.5 ms
grid_aoi[grid_aoi.pois_count > 0].head()
x y geometry pois_count
11 2 28 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.62220, 119.92058 15.622... 1.0
14 2 31 POLYGON ((119.87566 15.75193, 119.92058 15.751... 1.0
18 3 23 POLYGON ((119.92058 15.40581, 119.96550 15.405... 1.0
21 3 26 POLYGON ((119.92058 15.53567, 119.96550 15.535... 4.0
22 3 27 POLYGON ((119.92058 15.57894, 119.96550 15.578... 1.0
# show grids with at least 1 poi
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
ax = grid_aoi[grid_aoi.pois_count > 0].plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="green")

Use case 2 - Stats on a metric column

Example 1 Regions over Population per Bgy Level

  • Input:
    • aoi - region3,4,ncr geometry (geom_type - polygon, multipolygon)
    • data - region3,4, ncr population data (geom_type - pois)
    • data_type: 'individual_pois'
    • overlap_method = 'intersects'
    • aggregations:
      • metric_columns: 'population','men', etc.
        • each row in the data has a column: population, men, women, etc. with numeric value
        • aggregation_functions - 'min','max', 'mean', 'sum', etc.
        • output_columns - 'pop_min', 'pop_max', for each column
  • Output:
    • aoi with new output columns pop_min, pop_max etc

Load 2020 Region3,4,NCR Population Data at Barangay level (Admin Level 4)

# load region3,4,ncr population data at barangay level
region34ncr_pop_data = gpd.read_file("../data/region34ncr_population_land.geojson")
CPU times: user 543 ms, sys: 9.45 ms, total: 552 ms
Wall time: 548 ms
BARANGAY_CODE population men women children_under_five youth_15_24 women_of_reproductive_age_15_49 elderly_60_plus land_area geometry
0 31420020.0 1807 920 887 202 359 468 77 2.183518e+05 POINT (121.05919 14.85825)
1 34915006.0 3093 1594 1499 352 658 826 159 7.327482e+06 POINT (120.99590 15.62242)
2 35403009.0 4241 2158 2083 474 821 1112 256 8.740450e+05 POINT (120.77730 15.14580)
3 35409023.0 3373 1750 1623 296 611 895 244 6.484611e+05 POINT (120.58052 15.22315)
4 35413009.0 20884 10539 10344 2198 3893 5589 1260 2.015571e+06 POINT (120.68523 15.09163)
array(['BARANGAY_CODE', 'population', 'men', 'women',
       'children_under_five', 'youth_15_24',
       'women_of_reproductive_age_15_49', 'elderly_60_plus', 'land_area',
       'geometry'], dtype=object)

Compute zonal stats for regions 3,4,NCR

  • barangay count per region (bgy_count)
  • sum and mean for each population statistic (population, men, women, etc)
  • sum, mean, std, min, max for land area statistic
aoi = vzs.create_zonal_stats(
        {"func": "count", "output": "bgy_count"},
            "column": "population",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["pop_total", "pop_avg"],
        {"column": "men", "func": ["sum", "mean"], "output": ["men_total", "men_avg"]},
            "column": "women",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["women_total", "women_avg"],
            "column": "children_under_five",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["under5_total", "under5_avg"],
            "column": "youth_15_24",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["youth_total", "youth_avg"],
            "column": "women_of_reproductive_age_15_49",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["women_repro_total", "women_repro_avg"],
            "column": "elderly_60_plus",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["elderly_total", "elderly_avg"],
            "column": "land_area",
            "func": ["sum", "mean", "min", "max", "std"],
            "output": ["land_total", "land_avg", "land_min", "land_max", "land_std"],
CPU times: user 313 ms, sys: 9.88 ms, total: 322 ms
Wall time: 320 ms
array(['Reg_Code', 'Reg_Name', 'Reg_Alt_Name', 'geometry', 'bgy_count',
       'pop_total', 'pop_avg', 'men_total', 'men_avg', 'women_total',
       'women_avg', 'under5_total', 'under5_avg', 'youth_total',
       'youth_avg', 'women_repro_total', 'women_repro_avg',
       'elderly_total', 'elderly_avg', 'land_total', 'land_avg',
       'land_min', 'land_max', 'land_std'], dtype=object)
Reg_Code Reg_Name Reg_Alt_Name geometry bgy_count pop_total pop_avg men_total men_avg women_total ... youth_avg women_repro_total women_repro_avg elderly_total elderly_avg land_total land_avg land_min land_max land_std
0 130000000 National Capital Region NCR MULTIPOLYGON (((121.03842 14.78525, 121.03815 ... 1707 12484535 7313.728764 6132828 3592.752197 6350844 ... 1468.077329 3699839 2167.451084 653306 382.721734 5.945955e+08 3.483277e+05 2890.947906 2.750653e+07 1.065422e+06
1 030000000 Region III Central Luzon MULTIPOLYGON (((120.11687 14.76309, 120.11684 ... 3099 10581859 3414.604389 5353309 1727.431107 5227035 ... 655.773475 2808810 906.360116 664150 214.311068 2.120885e+10 6.843771e+06 9589.467114 3.496501e+08 1.826504e+07
2 040000000 Region IV-A Calabarzon MULTIPOLYGON (((122.72165 13.36485, 122.72143 ... 4010 14081857 3511.685037 7035334 1754.447382 7044548 ... 671.226185 3857217 961.899501 780294 194.587032 1.551525e+10 3.869139e+06 3087.452331 4.310269e+08 1.119929e+07

3 rows × 24 columns

Example 2 : Grids over Population per Bgy Level

  • Input:
    • aoi - region3 grids geometry (geom_type - polygon)
    • data - population data (geom_type - pois)
    • data_type: 'individual_pois'
    • overlap_method = 'intersects'
    • aggregations:
      • metric_columns: 'population','men', 'land_area'
        • each row in the data has a column population, men, women, including land with numeric value
        • aggregation_functions - 'min','max', 'mean', 'sum', etc.
        • output_columns - 'pop_min', 'pop_max', for each
  • Output:
    • aoi with new columns pop_min, pop_max etc.

Load population and land POIs (Bgy level)

region3_pop_pois = gpd.read_file("../data/region3_population_pois.geojson")
CPU times: user 372 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 372 ms
Wall time: 370 ms
BARANGAY_CODE population men women children_under_five youth_15_24 women_of_reproductive_age_15_49 elderly_60_plus land_area Reg_Name geometry
0 31420020.0 1807 920 887 202 359 468 77 2.183518e+05 Region III POINT (121.05919 14.85825)
1 34915006.0 3093 1594 1499 352 658 826 159 7.327482e+06 Region III POINT (120.99590 15.62242)
2 35403009.0 4241 2158 2083 474 821 1112 256 8.740450e+05 Region III POINT (120.77730 15.14580)
3 35409023.0 3373 1750 1623 296 611 895 244 6.484611e+05 Region III POINT (120.58052 15.22315)
4 35413009.0 20884 10539 10344 2198 3893 5589 1260 2.015571e+06 Region III POINT (120.68523 15.09163)
array(['BARANGAY_CODE', 'population', 'men', 'women',
       'children_under_five', 'youth_15_24',
       'women_of_reproductive_age_15_49', 'elderly_60_plus', 'land_area',
       'Reg_Name', 'geometry'], dtype=object)

Create zonal stats (same as previous example, but now for a more granular level for region 3 only)

grid_aoi = vzs.create_zonal_stats(
        {"func": "count", "output": "bgy_count"},
            "column": "population",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["pop_total", "pop_avg"],
        {"column": "men", "func": ["sum", "mean"], "output": ["men_total", "men_avg"]},
            "column": "women",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["women_total", "women_avg"],
            "column": "children_under_five",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["under5_total", "under5_avg"],
            "column": "youth_15_24",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["youth_total", "youth_avg"],
            "column": "women_of_reproductive_age_15_49",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["women_repro_total", "women_repro_avg"],
            "column": "elderly_60_plus",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["elderly_total", "elderly_avg"],
            "column": "land_area",
            "func": ["sum", "mean", "min", "max", "std"],
            "output": ["land_total", "land_avg", "land_min", "land_max", "land_std"],
CPU times: user 115 ms, sys: 10.5 ms, total: 126 ms
Wall time: 121 ms
x y geometry pois_count bgy_count pop_total pop_avg men_total men_avg women_total ... youth_avg women_repro_total women_repro_avg elderly_total elderly_avg land_total land_avg land_min land_max land_std
0 0 30 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.70870, 119.83075 15.708... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 0 31 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.75193, 119.83075 15.751... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 0 32 POLYGON ((119.78583 15.79516, 119.83075 15.795... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1 30 POLYGON ((119.83075 15.70870, 119.87566 15.708... NaN 1.0 3415.0 3415.0 1744.0 1744.0 1670.0 ... 648.0 848.0 848.0 229.0 229.0 5.552401e+06 5.552401e+06 5.552401e+06 5.552401e+06 NaN
4 1 32 POLYGON ((119.83075 15.79516, 119.87566 15.795... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 24 columns

Show grids with bgy_count > 0 and bgy_count == 0

ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"
ax = grid_aoi[grid_aoi.bgy_count.notna()].plot(
    ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue"
ax = grid_aoi[grid_aoi.bgy_count.isna()].plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="red")

Generating Bing Tile Grid Zonal Stats

If our areas of interest use Bing Tile Grids (with the associated quadkeys),

we can use a much faster way of generating zonal stats by pre-computing the quadkeys for our data.

Example 1: Count POIs for Region 3 Bing Tile Grid AOI

  • Input:
    • aoi bing tile grids zoom level 13 - region3 (Admin Level 1) (Central Luzon) geometry (geom_type - polygon, multipolygon)
    • data - Region 3 pois (geom_type - points)
    • aggregations:
      • count - number of pois within aoi
  • Output
    • aoi with pois count (default output column: index_count)

Load our bing tile grid aoi

region3_bingtile_grid = gpd.read_file("../data/region3_bingtile_grid13.geojson")
quadkey geometry
0 1323030303301 POLYGON ((120.10254 14.73239, 120.10254 14.774...
1 1323030303300 POLYGON ((120.05859 14.73239, 120.05859 14.774...
2 1323030303311 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.73239, 120.19043 14.774...
3 1323030303133 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.77488, 120.19043 14.817...
4 1323030303131 POLYGON ((120.19043 14.81737, 120.19043 14.859...
ax = plt.axes()
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="blue")
ax = region3_bingtile_grid.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="red")

Lets compute the quadkeys for our Region3 pois

DATA_ZOOM_LEVEL = 23  # for pois, it can be as high as 24
region3_pois_quadkeys = vzs.compute_quadkey(region3_pois, DATA_ZOOM_LEVEL)
CPU times: user 236 ms, sys: 320 µs, total: 236 ms
Wall time: 233 ms
osm_id code fclass name BARANGAY_CODE geometry quadkey
0 560410986 2701 tourist_info Gawad Kalinga Office 031420009 POINT (121.08516 14.83601) 13230312020312101332220
1 1244301672 2701 tourist_info N 15deg 26' 11.1", E 120deg 25' 50.2", El... 036918006 POINT (120.43045 15.43663) 13230301323000331033200
2 1666684393 2701 tourist_info Eco Park Tourist Information & DENR Environmen... 036918006 POINT (120.44958 15.46446) 13230301321223132232132
3 1679992929 2701 tourist_info La Paz Tarlac - Zaragoza Nueva Ecija Boundary 034932027 POINT (120.75832 15.44284) 13230301332111310110220
4 1714645729 2701 tourist_info Lucy Pineda 035409019 POINT (120.61452 15.23359) 13230303110021032011230

Lets compute the zonal stats for each grid as the pois_count.

Notice the computation time is pretty fast

region3_bingtile_pois = vzs.create_bingtile_zonal_stats(
    aggregations=[dict(func="count", output="pois_count", fillna=True)],
CPU times: user 71.6 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 71.6 ms
Wall time: 69.3 ms
region3_bingtile_pois[region3_bingtile_pois.pois_count > 0].head()
quadkey geometry pois_count
5 1323030312020 POLYGON ((120.23438 14.81737, 120.23438 14.859... 8.0
8 1323030121200 POLYGON ((119.88281 15.74996, 119.88281 15.792... 1.0
11 1323030121222 POLYGON ((119.88281 15.62304, 119.88281 15.665... 1.0
13 1323030123002 POLYGON ((119.88281 15.53838, 119.88281 15.580... 1.0
22 1323030123001 POLYGON ((119.92676 15.58071, 119.92676 15.623... 1.0
ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"
ax = region3_bingtile_pois[region3_bingtile_pois.pois_count > 0].plot(
    column="pois_count", ax=ax, edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.4
ax = region3_bingtile_pois[region3_bingtile_pois.pois_count == 0].plot(
    ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="red", alpha=0.4

Example 2: Population stats for Region 3 Bing Tile Grid AOI

  • Input:
    • aoi bing tile grids zoom level 13 - region3 (Admin Level 1) (Central Luzon) geometry (geom_type - polygon, multipolygon)
    • data - Region 3 pop data (geom_type - points)
    • aggregations:
      • pop totals, avg, men total and avg, etc , barangay counts, etc.
  • Output
    • aoi bing tile grids zoom level 13 with additional stats

We can also reuse the region34ncr population data to add more zonal statistics to our region3 bingtile pois

# Add quadkeys to region34ncr population data
region34ncr_pop_data = vzs.compute_quadkey(
    region34ncr_pop_data, DATA_ZOOM_LEVEL, inplace=True
)  # inplace saves copying
CPU times: user 1.5 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.5 s
Wall time: 1.5 s
BARANGAY_CODE population men women children_under_five youth_15_24 women_of_reproductive_age_15_49 elderly_60_plus land_area geometry quadkey
0 31420020.0 1807 920 887 202 359 468 77 2.183518e+05 POINT (121.05919 14.85825) 13230312020301100210231
1 34915006.0 3093 1594 1499 352 658 826 159 7.327482e+06 POINT (120.99590 15.62242) 13230310220010101012220
2 35403009.0 4241 2158 2083 474 821 1112 256 8.740450e+05 POINT (120.77730 15.14580) 13230303111220301103213
3 35409023.0 3373 1750 1623 296 611 895 244 6.484611e+05 POINT (120.58052 15.22315) 13230303101131332000021
4 35413009.0 20884 10539 10344 2198 3893 5589 1260 2.015571e+06 POINT (120.68523 15.09163) 13230303112102100203003
region3_bingtile_pois_pop_data = vzs.create_bingtile_zonal_stats(
    region3_bingtile_pois,  # reuse from previous example
    region34ncr_pop_data,  # updated with quadkeys
        {"func": "count", "output": "bgy_count"},
            "column": "population",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["pop_total", "pop_avg"],
        {"column": "men", "func": ["sum", "mean"], "output": ["men_total", "men_avg"]},
            "column": "women",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["women_total", "women_avg"],
            "column": "children_under_five",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["under5_total", "under5_avg"],
            "column": "youth_15_24",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["youth_total", "youth_avg"],
            "column": "women_of_reproductive_age_15_49",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["women_repro_total", "women_repro_avg"],
            "column": "elderly_60_plus",
            "func": ["sum", "mean"],
            "output": ["elderly_total", "elderly_avg"],
            "column": "land_area",
            "func": ["sum", "mean", "min", "max", "std"],
            "output": ["land_total", "land_avg", "land_min", "land_max", "land_std"],
CPU times: user 528 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 528 ms
Wall time: 526 ms
quadkey geometry pois_count bgy_count pop_total pop_avg men_total men_avg women_total women_avg ... youth_avg women_repro_total women_repro_avg elderly_total elderly_avg land_total land_avg land_min land_max land_std
5 1323030312020 POLYGON ((120.23438 14.81737, 120.23438 14.859... 8.0 5.0 40890.0 8178.000000 20398.0 4079.600000 20490.0 4098.000000 ... 1662.000000 11493.0 2298.600000 2337.0 467.4 4.156777e+06 8.313554e+05 1.319242e+05 2.503691e+06 9.727404e+05
6 1323030120313 POLYGON ((119.83887 15.70766, 119.83887 15.749... 0.0 1.0 3415.0 3415.000000 1744.0 1744.000000 1670.0 1670.000000 ... 648.000000 848.0 848.000000 229.0 229.0 5.552401e+06 5.552401e+06 5.552401e+06 5.552401e+06 NaN
7 1323030121022 POLYGON ((119.88281 15.79225, 119.88281 15.834... 0.0 1.0 4742.0 4742.000000 2438.0 2438.000000 2304.0 2304.000000 ... 828.000000 1114.0 1114.000000 370.0 370.0 5.485826e+06 5.485826e+06 5.485826e+06 5.485826e+06 NaN
8 1323030121200 POLYGON ((119.88281 15.74996, 119.88281 15.792... 1.0 7.0 21755.0 3107.857143 11047.0 1578.142857 10707.0 1529.571429 ... 587.857143 5364.0 766.285714 1631.0 233.0 1.343751e+07 1.919645e+06 5.222719e+05 4.416378e+06 1.395113e+06
9 1323030121202 POLYGON ((119.88281 15.70766, 119.88281 15.749... 0.0 5.0 10146.0 2029.200000 5257.0 1051.400000 4887.0 977.400000 ... 376.600000 2393.0 478.600000 668.0 133.6 1.836666e+07 3.673332e+06 2.364678e+06 5.247429e+06 1.068957e+06

5 rows × 23 columns

ax = aoi[aoi.Reg_Name == "Region III"].plot(
    ax=plt.axes(), facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"
ax = region3_bingtile_pois_pop_data[
].plot(column="pop_total", ax=ax, edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.4)
ax = region3_bingtile_pois_pop_data[
].plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="red", alpha=0.4)